What We Offer
We specialise in helping businesses connect with consumers by establishing a strong, positive Online Business Presence

What Our Clients Say
And it’s a BIG thank you from us
Frequently Asked Question

We specialise in helping businesses connect with consumers by establishing a strong, positive Online Business Presence
And it’s a BIG thank you from us
Graphic designs for your Logo, Personal Social Media Banners, Ad Banners,
Visual identity graphic design – Marketing & advertising graphic design
User interface graphic design – Publication graphic design.
Brian and Leonie Killeen will be handling the majority of the projects
from time to time we may request help in specialist areas and rush jobs.
Contact will be during business hours 9.00am – 5.00pm AEST except allowance for daylight savings
Contact will be during business hours 9.00am – 5.00pm AEST
Time taken to complete your project will depend on how many pages, what type of website (eg: shopping cart, Blog etc)
Best answer to first question is How Long is A Piece of String? Rush jobs will be looked at individually.
If by chance you miss a feed back deadline. it’s likely your job will miss production queuing and at the end of the day we’ll both be disappointed.
Every job has it’s individual requirements, we have job sheets relating to those at the time.
I’m sorry but there are no Guarantees. As most projects are effected by outside influences out of our control, we are working in an area that has too many variables although we keep up to date with current trends.
We’re in continual contact with industry peers on a daily basis and pride ourselves in success rates, check what previous clients have to say here
As both our times are precious it’s best you compare our calendars and chose a time that suits us both
You can Book me Here and I will ring you when it’s convenient to the both of us.
Our payment plans are Deposit and installments at expectable stages of projects progress.
Depending on type of project, payment plans will be written into our proposal.